Working towards an inclusive society

As co-chair of Calgary’s Community Action on Mental Health and Addiction Stewardship Group, Karen Gosbee supports the 21-member group, leading Calgary’s efforts to combat mental health and addictions concerns as part of the city’s $25-million strategy. As a priority, the group in collaboration with local stakeholder and with input from the engagement and research activities, is developing a framework which will outline the proposed policy directions, strategic actions, and results that will be sought within Calgary’s Community Action on Mental Health and Addiction Strategy.

Supporting a provincially-wide approach to improve access to recovery-oriented mental health and addiction services, Karen serves on a diverse advisory council, helping develop and deliver recommendations for policy changes. Further, Karen’s taken on a role as part of a collective with IIMHL, contributing to the ground-breaking initiative I-Circle, to support mental health and well-being within urban settings.

Stay on the Yellow Brick Road
Photo courtesy of Michelle Lazo